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Unlock the hidden value in your book of business

Leopard is an AI-driven insurtech platform that mines your book of business for opportunities you likely would’ve missed

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Opportunities we spot

Lower premium

for the same coverage amount and policy length.

Longer length

for the same premium and benefit

Higher coverage

for the same premium and policy length.

Earn commission on life insurance multiple times
and help your client improve their coverage over time

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Key Features

Policy Retrieval

Don’t have copies of existing policies? We can help retrieve them for you and take the administrative work off your plate.

Policy Analysis

Leopard’s AI analyzes your book of business, extracts key policies information and identifies other coverage options on the market.


See your replacement, up-sell and cross-sell opportunities in one place. Easy-to-understand scores highlight which customers represent your strongest revenue opportunities.

Quoting Engine

A robust range of quotes from top carriers means you’ll never miss an opportunity. Use the policy comparison table to see top options side-by-side.

AI-generated Talking Points

Elegant AI-generated summaries of coverage options let you quickly send emails to clients or speak to the key benefits of various options on a call.

When to use Leopard

During policy reviews

Upload a copy of your client’s policy when a policy review is coming up to make sure they have the best coverage available to them. Even if they don’t, showing them you’re always on the lookout for the right coverage makes you a trusted partner.

Bulk upload for constant monitoring

Let Leopard work in the background. Add your entire book of business to the platform, and Leopard will alert you when a revenue opportunity presents itself.

Who we help


Agents & advisors



Leopard is a great fit for you if you…

  • Are sitting on a book of at least 50 life insurance policies
  • Want to increase revenue per client
  • Are client-focused and want to help clients optimize their coverage
  • Have tried manually combing through your book of business and found it too tedious

Leopard isn’t the right fit for you if you…

  • Only do a few life insurance policies per year
  • Are 100% confident there aren’t any revenue opportunities with existing life insurance clients
  • Are okay manually reading through coverage
  • Are wary of new technology


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